Sunday, October 5, 2008

Learn the art of relaxation

We need to balance both security and insecurity. I have seen people who always look for insecurity and risk. They are uncomfortable with security
Learn the art of relaxation
Learn the art of relaxation (Getty Images)
. I also find some of them being imbalanced.

The spirit of adventure has to be included in your life. Truth has to be searched for. In a search nothing is guaranteed. The only thing that is guaranteed is a beautiful adventure that helps you grow. In such an adventure, you learn the art of both accepting and rejecting. Then you would be able to filter many things in life.

Do not get lost in adventure. Rather, find yourself in adventure. If you are getting burnt out, then something in you asks you to slow down. There is a God in us who speaks, but our mind is noisy and thus we cannot hear the divine speaking. When you are inwardly silent and addictive thoughts are absent, the silence and the meditative energies that emerge will heal you.

Then, walking is meditation, sitting is meditation, and drinking tea is meditation. Most often, the burnt out feeling is from your thoughts, which signal that you are burnt out. Bring a meditative quality in your thoughts. Watch out not to use words which are self-defeating. Bring in the quality of joy in whatever you do. Allow your actions to flow from the 'higher self.' The 'higher self' guides you when to slow down.

Learn the art of relaxation. After a long run, sit under a tree, feel the miracle of your body, the dance of your breath, the music of your heart beat, the gentle kiss of the breeze... the quintessence is in being relaxed, being at ease with oneself. Whatever you do, let your centre be calm, silent and relaxed. Act from this energy field. Let action emerge from silence. The nature of your 'higher self' is silence, peace... while that of the 'lower self' is restlessness and ambition.

It is out of muddy water that a lotus emerges and blooms. It is still considered the queen of flowers. Similarly it is from muddy situations in life that the awakened mind arises. Flower gives fragrance unconditionally, so too let us operate from unconditional love. All great masters inspire us to live in abundance but not in scarcity. Be total and not fragmented. Live to the maximum and not to the minimum. Let your 'presence' reach others and shower them with fullness.

Real growth happens when you trust and operate from the 'higher self.' This 'higher self' is a flow, a learning being that enjoys the given moment in totality. Unfortunately, we trust our 'lower self' that is authoritative, rigid, and non supportive. It is a victim of likes and dislikes. Growth happens when you negate the 'lower self' and are centred in the 'higher self.' Your 'higher self' is an evolving being through which you come in touch with a mystic flower in you.

A courageous person explores the unknown with or without fear or in spite of fear, whereas a non-courageous person is stopped by fear. Respect what you know and have courage to explore the unknown. The courage of a spiritual seeker is different from the courage of a soldier. The spiritual seeker drops his mind and explores the heart... it is a flight from the head to the heart... has courage to accept even death as he knows the art of living involves the art of dying. By accepting death, he has accepted life in totality.

To accept both life and death gracefully requires courage. Failure is a shadow of the ego. With this understanding, life becomes magical. The hidden secrets of life flow in us. One cannot succeed against the whole. One's success is the success of the whole. In fact one becomes the whole.

'You are the fullness. There is fullness, here is fullness. From the fullness, the fullness is born. Remove the fullness from the fullness and the fullness alone remains,' say the Vedas.

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